We ready to strike Phase 1 of our works at Selfridges, London carried out for Paye Stonework & Restoration Ltd. The access is along the Duke Street and 50% of the Oxford Street elevations.
We were asked to provide a working platform to allow electrical works and other repairs at first floor cill level.
Slim towers were erected at each column position with a 120.00m continuous beamed and boarded deck joining the towers all fitted with an external banner frame.
The towers were ply hoarded by Topline and a banner was supplied and installed by Macro Art.
All works carried outside normal working hours.
Early Mock Up scaffolds were erected in our depot, and on site, to ensure that the client was happy with our design and the finish/colour of the banner and hoarding and to ensure the finished product was discreet.
We are ready to start erecting Phase 2 in the coming weeks accessing the remainder of Oxford Street together with Orchard Street.
Images by Gary Britton Photography Ltd